City of Madras File: PA-15-1
Jefferson County File: 15-PA-04
The City of Madras Community Development Department has proposed a land use regulation (City File: PA-15-1, County File: 15-PA-04) that may affect the permissible uses and development standards for your property. There will be three (3) public meetings held on the proposal. First, the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners and Madras City Council will hold a joint public Work Session on January 27, 2016 at 12:00 PM in the in the County Annex, located at 66 SE “D” Street, Madras, OR. Second, the Madras City Council will hold a Public Hearing on February 23, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 125 SW “E” Street, Madras, OR. Third, Jefferson County Board of Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing on February 24, 2016 at 1:30 PM in the County Annex, located at 66 SE “D” Street, Madras, OR.
The proposal includes: 1) Amendments to the City of Madras Comprehensive Plan, Goal 9; 2) changing specific properties currently zoned Corridor Commercial (C-1) on the City’s Zoning Map to Mixed-Use Employment (MUE); 2) changing specific properties currently zoned Corridor Commercial (CC) on the Jefferson County Zoning Map to Mixed-Use Employment (MUE); 3) amendments to the City of Madras Zoning Ordinance to create a Mixed Use Employment (MUE) Zone including specifying the permitted uses and development standards for MUE zone in a manner to be consistent with the proposed MUE zone in the County’s Zoning Ordinance; 4) amendments to the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance to create a Mixed Use Employment (MUE) Zone including specifying the permitted uses and development standards for MUE zone in a manner to be consistent with the proposed MUE zone in the City’s Zoning Ordinance; and 5) amendments to the City of Madras Zoning Ordinance for the permitted uses and development standards for Industrial zone.
The City of Madras and Jefferson County have determined the proposed amendments may affect the permissible uses of properties that are zoned Corridor Commercial (C-1) on the City’s Zoning Map and properties currently zoned County Commercial (CC) on the Jefferson County Zoning Map, and may change the value of your property per ORS 227.186. This notice contains specific language contained in Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 227.186 so that the city& county comply with the requirements of ORS 227.186 as enacted by Ballot Measure #56 approved by the Oregon voters in November 1998.The full text of the statute may be found at:
All documents for the January 27, 2016 joint public Work Session of the Madras City Council and the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners will be available on January 20, 2016 at City Hall located at 125 SW “E” Street, Madras, Oregon. All documents for the February 23, 2016 Madras City Council Public Hearing and the February 24, 2016 Jefferson County Board of Commissioners Public Hearing will be available on February 16, 2016 at City Hall located at 125 SW “E” Street, Madras, Oregon. Any interested party may testify at the hearing or submit written testimony at or prior to the hearing. Written comments must be received at the Madras Community Development Department by 4:00 p.m. on Feb 15, 2016 to be included in the Planning Commission packet for this hearing. Written comments received after this date will be forwarded to the Planning Commissioners at the hearing and become part of the legal record. For additional information concerning the proposed amendments, you may contact Nicholas Snead at 541-323-2916; .
Publish: January 13, February 3, 2016