The City of Lake Oswego has received annexation petitions for four parcels, located within the Urban Service Boundary of the City of Lake Oswego. The parcels are located at:
18567 Donlee Way (21E18CC03900)
17839 Tamara Avenue (21E18DB03800)
18440 Donlee Way (21E18CC04600)
13209 Amber Place (21E04BA01400)
The Lake Oswego City Council will hold public hearings on Tuesday, July 5, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber, 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, Oregon to consider these annexation petitions and proposed ordinances, including the designation of zone(s) for the parcels.

Annexations are adopted by ordinance. The titles of the ordinances are:
Ordinance No. 2716
An ordinance annexing to the City of Lake Oswego one parcel consisting of 0.22 acres located at 18567 Donlee Way and the public right of way; declaring City of Lake Oswego zoning pursuant to LOC; and removing the territory from certain districts (AN 16-0003).

Ordinance No. 2717
An ordinance annexing to the City of Lake Oswego one parcel consisting of 0.29 acres located at 17839 Tamara Avenue and the public right of way; declaring City of Lake Oswego zoning pursuant to LOC; and removing the territory from certain districts (AN 16-0004).

Ordinance No. 2718
An ordinance annexing to the City of Lake Oswego one parcel consisting of 0.24 acres located at 18440 Donlee Way and the public right of way; declaring City of Lake Oswego zoning pursuant to LOC; and removing the territory from certain districts (AN 16-0005).

Ordinance No. 2719
An ordinance annexing to the City of Lake Oswego one parcel consisting of 0.75 acres located at 13209 Amber Place; declaring City of Lake Oswego zoning and a Habitat Benefit Area (HBA) Overlay District pursuant to LOC; and removing the territory from certain districts (AN 16-0006).

1. Oregon Revised Statutes, Boundary Changes;
Mergers and Consolidations
• ORS 222.111(2) Annexation of Contiguous Territory, Authority and procedure for annexation, generally.
• ORS 222.125 Annexation by consent of all owners of all of the land in the area to be annexed and not less than 50% of the registered voters living in the area.
• ORS 222.170 Annexation by consent of more than half of the owners of land in the territory to be annexed, who also own more than half of the land in the territory.
2. Metro Code
• 3.09.040(a)(1-7) Minimum Requirements for Petitions.
• 3.09.050 Uniform Hearing Requirements for Final Decisions.
• 3.09.050(b)(1-5), (d)(1-5).
3. Lake Oswego Community Development Code
• Section Zoning of Annexed Areas
• Section Comprehensive Plan Map Designations Automatically Applied Upon Annexations; Exceptions.
4. Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan Policies
Goal 14, Policies 10, 13, 14

The Applicants are requesting annexation to obtain City services. In accordance with LOC, the following City zoning designations will be applied:

AN 16-0003 and AN 16-0005: R-10 (10,000 square feet per unit).

AN 16-0004: R-7.5 (7,500 square feet per unit).

AN 16-0006: R-7.5 and Habitat Benefit Area (HBA) Overlay District.

Permitted and conditional uses in the above zones can be found in LOC 50.03.002.

Anyone interested in commenting may either speak during the public hearings or submit written comments by 5:00 p.m. on July 5, 2016 to:
Anne-Marie Simpson, City Recorder
City of Lake Oswego
380 A Avenue, Third Floor
P.O. Box 369 Fax: (503) 697-6594
Lake Oswego, OR 97034

The hearings will include an opportunity for persons to testify in favor, in opposition, and neither for nor against, and petitioner’s rebuttal. Individuals are allowed up to 5 minutes, and another person may cede their time to an individual, in which case no individual shall have more than 10 minutes to testify. Recognized neighborhood associations, governments and government agencies, and other incorporated public interest organizations have up to 10 minutes to testify. See LOC and

Note: Failure to raise an issue in the hearing, in person or by letter, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the City Council an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on that issue.

Copies of the petitions, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicants, applicable criteria, maps and proposed ordinances are available for inspection at no cost. Staff reports will be available for review 15 days before the hearings and copies will also be available for review at the Lake Oswego Library in the “Reference” section. Copies will be provided at reasonable cost. To inspect or purchase copies of the above documents, please go to City Hall at the above address.
See also:
AN 16-0003:

AN 16-0004:

AN 16-0005:

AN 16-0006:

Inquiries regarding the proposal may be directed to Paul Espe, Associate Planner, at (503) 697-6577. For information about the public hearing, contact Anne-Marie Simpson, City Recorder, (503) 534-4225.
Publish 06/23, 06/30/2016. LOR13390