PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on July 7, 2016, I received the ballot title prepared by the Wilsonville City Attorney as referred by the Wilsonville City Council in Resolution No. 2592 titled, “A Resolution Of The City Of Wilsonville, Oregon Calling For A Measure Election To Be Included In The General Election To Be Held November 8, 2016, To Submit To The Voters The Question Of Issuing General Obligation Bonds In An Amount Not To Exceed $35 Million To Finance The Construction Of A Wilsonville Recreation And Aquatic Center.” Adopted by the Wilsonville City Council at a special scheduled meeting held July 7, 2016.

Authorizes General Obligation Bonds for Wilsonville Recreation and Aquatic Center.

Shall Wilsonville be authorized to issue up to $35,000,000 of general obligation bonds for a Community Recreation and Aquatic Center? If the bonds are approved, they will be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limitations of Sections 11 and 11b , Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.

This measure would authorize the City to issue up to $35 million of general obligation bonds to pay for capital costs to provide a Community Recreation and Aquatic Center (“Center”), including costs to acquire property and construct the Center, parking lot and related amenities, and finance issuance costs. The primary purpose of the Center is to provide community event space, aquatic, athletic, fitness, and recreational facilities. A “yes” vote approves the Measure; a “no” vote rejects the Measure.

This Measure will result in a tax increase by an estimated $0.59 per $1,000 of assessed value per year; for example: approximately $177 per year on a home assessed at $300,000, or $14.75 per month.

Center usage will require payment of a user or membership fee. Membership and user fees for the Center have not been determined but Wilsonville residents will pay a reduced fee.

By signing this document:
* I hereby state that I am authorized by the City governing body to submit this Request for Ballot Title-Preparation or Publication of Notice.
___/s/___________________________ July 8, 2016
Signature of Authorized City Official Date Signed
Sandra C. King, City Recorder
29799 SW Town Center Loop East
Wilsonville, OR 97070

Any person who is dissatisfied with the ballot title provided by said attorney may petition the Circuit Court to review the ballot title issued by the City Attorney. The petition must name the City Attorney as respondent. The petition must also state the reasons the title filed with the court is insufficient, not concise or unfair.

The deadline for filing a petition is seven (7) business days from the date the ballot title is filed with the City Recorder, or at 5 p.m. July 18, 2016.

A registered voter who files a petition to review the ballot title must notify the City Recorder in writing that the petition has been filed no later than 5 p.m. on the next business day following the day the petition is filed.

Posted July 8, 2016 at Wilsonville City Hall, Wilsonville Community Center, and Wilsonville Library.

Published in the Wilsonville Spokesman July 13, 2016
Posted on City of Wilsonville Website July 8, 2016
Publish 07/13/2016. WS331