Scheduled On Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment – Case File # ZD0-259: Monroe Neighborhood Street Design Plan

The Clackamas County Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners will hold public hearings to consider proposed amendments to the County Comprehensive Plan and Active Transportation Plan. Case File #ZDO-259 would amend the Comprehensive Plan by adding the Monroe Neighborhood Street Design Plan to Appendix B and updating Table 5-3(a): 20-Year Capital Project list. Case file #ZDO-259 would also amend the County’s Active Transportation Plan by updating the Monroe Street route description and modifying the recommended Monroe Street facility improvements to be consistent with the Monroe Neighborhood Street Design Plan. Lastly, Case File #ZDO-259 includes minor updates and clarification amendments to the county’s urban roadway cross sections: local, connector, collector and arterial roads.

The amendments are available at The public may review and comment on the proposed amendments before and during the public hearings.

Planning Commission Public Hearing
Monday, October 10, 2016, 6:30 p.m.
Development Services Building Auditorium, Rm. 115,
150 Beavercreek Rd., Oregon City

Board of Commissioners Public Hearing
Wednesday, November 30, 2016, 9:30 a.m.
Board Hearing Room, Public Services Building,
2051 Kaen Rd., Oregon City

For more information: Scott Hoelscher, 503-742-4524 or
Publish 09/14/2016. CLK13729